Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Books On My Shelf!

*I know this post is void of interesting content but I hope you enjoy it anyways*

I just wanted to share with y'all, the new books I got this week.

I can't wait to read them!

So, yesterday I broke down and impulsing bought a book from Wal-Mart. I know, I know, how could I? But the temptation was too much.LOL

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen (from Wal-Mart)
So Not Happening by Jenny B. Jones (from my friend, and fellow blogger, Lori! Thanks again Lori;)

A Bride for a Bit by Joann A. Grote (PBS)

Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs (PBS)

It's Not About Me by Michelle Sutton (PBS)


  1. Looks like a good line up, Ashley! I got quite a few books this week too. My mom just rolls her eyes when she sees my stack in the mail. :)

    I have never read anything by Liz Curtis Higgs, is she good?

    Have a great day! ;)

  2. Sweet! I am glad you are going to be reading my book soon. I hope you post a review when you're done. Just don't start it late at night. It tends to keep people up too late once they get started.

  3. Ooooo you'll love The Luxe...I hope ;-)

    I'm jealous that you got It's Not About Me! I definitely want to read that series!

    Enjoy your books, they all look great!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. @Casey~ I never finished Liz's other book Thorn In My Side (waaay too sad) but I hear BookEnds is supposed to be a romantic comedy. So we will see;)LOL

    @Michelle~ I finished It's Not About Me in like two nights. I couldn't put it down. In fact, my mom had to wrench it out of my hands to get my attention .LOL haha

    @Renee~I can send It's Not About Me, your way, if you want. I know you'd like it. And I can't wait to read Luxe. My sister breathing down my neck for me to read it, so she can, when I'm done.LOL So hopefully I'll get around to it this next week (fingers crossed):~D

    Love Y'all,

  5. Hi Ashley! Thank you so much for offering to send It's Not About Me, that's totally sweet of you but I'm first in line to get it on PBS so when I get some credits I'm going to jump on it! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee


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