Sunday, April 3, 2011

Absent, But wishing to be there...

Hey Ya'll,
I know I've been gone for awhile and I've missed a very important blogaversary of a dear blogger-friend of mine and I hate that I wasn't there and didn't get the chance to wish her a happy and blessed blogaversary. So Amber? HAPPY BlOGAVERSARY!!!
And may you have many years of blessed blogging to come!
Love Ya,


  1. Awwwww, Ashley!!!

    You don't have to feel bad at all--I know you've been keeping busy! But I have to say, I was so surprised and touched by this post. :) That was so sweet of you to think of me, and I'm so blessed to call you my friend! :D


    P.S. Love the picture (not the crying part, but the song it's quoting!). ;)

  2. This was sooooo super sweet, hun!! I agree, here, here!!! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, Amber!!! I'm also sorry because I wasn't aroudn too much :( I did read them, just not much time to comment (BOOOOO!).

    Ashley, honey, I hope you're doing ok and you got my FB message/'s good to hear from you. Reassures me that you're still alive and kicking ; ) LOL!
    Love you, Soulsistah!


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